
Introduction to research projects

Master MET offers 3 subjects that allow you to do research activities in research groups of the UPC, research institutes or companies.

In order to be able to enrol these subjects, you first need to agree with a professor which research project you will do. This is done using an application that is located in the Intranet. The application works as follows:

  1. Professors offer projects.
  2. You select as many projects as you wish.
  3. The professor selects one student among those that have applied to his/her project.
  4. The student selects one project among those that have chosen him/her. The rest of selections are automatically dropped in order the professor can chose another candidate.
  5. The student has to enrol the introduction to research subjects during the enrolment day, or through e-Secretaria if the enrolment day has passed. Between them moment that the student accepts the project and the moment he/she is able to enrol the subjects, there may pass a couple of days. 

If you find a research project outside the UPC by yourselves, come to talk or email me to evaluate the project and find a UPC tutor:

Marcos Postigo Boix
Vice-Dean Head of Studies of Masters in Telecommunications


All the information in the academic guides: